About the TuristAvisen Website

Bergen Lufthavn Flesland
Bergen Lufthavn Flesland

The Norwegian name TuristAvisen translated to English is “The Tourist Newspaper”.

What to Find at TuristAvisen

We write travel related news from Norway and the rest of the world. All written in Norwegian language.

We publish travel news from all over the world and we write both facts and inspirational travel articles.

Please note:

TuristAvisen is a travel news website.

Contact us

Our email address is redaksjonen@turistavisen.no
Please do not call us.


SEO Norway

All of our articles are based on google searches for travel news and travel facts, for both Norwegian and international travels. All our content is written with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind.

Our goal is to be
the #1 travel news website
in Norway.